Lopsha - Russian Noodle Soup Flashback Friday

For Flashback Friday I'm re posting this peasant soup that we grew up with called Lopsha in Russian at our house and in our Russian community.
This soup (Lopsha) is made is made for large church gatherings. I have recipes to serve 200-250 people. They make their own noodles using 20 dozen eggs, 60 lbs. flour and 1 lb. salt, then make a stock from 35 lbs. of soup bones and 350 lbs of choice (kosher) beef. Usually Lopsha is served at funerals and Borscht is made for Weddings. This is basic Russian Peasant Village Fare. I’m giving you a very simple quick recipe.

All you’ll need is store bought (or home made) Chicken Broth and Jewish very fine egg noodles. (Manischewitz or similar)

Bring the Broth to a boil.

Add as many noodles as you like, but remember they expand while cooking. When the noodles are cooked the Lopsha is ready. Adjust your noodles as to how thick you like your Lopsha. If your soup gets too thick for your liking just add some more broth.

If you want a little more interest in the soup you can add cubed potatoes and carrots to the broth to cook them before you add the noodles. If you want those carrots and potatoes to be a lot tastier saute them in a little olive oil, salt and pepper before you add them to the broth. Happy memories!

After all our holiday eating of rich foods this would be a nice meal.

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