Whole Wheat Bread ~ Flashback Friday

I first posted this recipe for my everyday whole wheat bread back in 2010.  The recipe that came to me from my mom in law Pauline has been a staple in our house since we've been married.  I've adjusted the salt amount and measured the flour once more and am satisfied that you will find this a great everyday bread. It freezes well and makes fantastic toast.   
  • 4 1/2 cups lukewarm water
  • 1/4 cup honey
  1. In a large bowl, add 2 tablespoons yeast to the lukewarm water and honey and allow to rest 10 minutes.
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 5 cups whole wheat flour
  • about 4 cups white flour or enough to make a smooth elastic dough
  1. Add the oil and salt to the yeast mixture, stir well.
  2. Add the flour one cup at a time stirring until you can't stir it anymore.
  3. Knead in the remaining flour until you have a smooth elastic dough.
  4. Put into a large bowl, cover and let double in bulk. . .about an hour.
  5. Divide into 4 loaves, roll in whole wheat if desired for an artisan effect and put into greased loaf pans.
  6. Let rise until double and bake in a 375 F oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Makes 4 loaves

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