Saturday in Bev's kitchen - Muffin tips

A few tips on baking muffins from my Saturday Kitchen.
  • Prepare muffin tins before mixing muffins. I really like my heavy non stick muffin tins however I still spray each cup lightly with a spray oil and then I use a silicone pastry brush to evenly distribute the oil over the bottom and sides of each cup.
  • When mixing wet and dry ingredients, do not overmix.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, spoon muffin batter into tins right after mixing and immediately place in preheated oven. They will rise best if they are baked immediately. (There are some recipes for muffins that are meant to be refrigerated and then baked later.)
  • If you don't have enough batter to fill all the muffin cups, pour a 1/2 inch of water into the empty cups. This prevents the oiled cup from getting brown and it seems to make a nicer crust on the muffins. 

  • When the muffins are done, remove the pan from the oven and immediately loosen the sides of each muffin. Then tilt each muffin in its cup. This keeps the muffin from sweating and becoming soggy.  After the muffins have cooled this way in the pan for several minutes, remove to a rack. 
  • Muffins freeze well so I often place half of the cooled muffins in a zippered freezer bag for later. Remember to remove all the air from the bag to keep the frost from building and making your muffins soggy.

 Do you have some tried and true tips when making muffins?
 We'd love to have you share them with us.

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